The Vaults of Terra, Songs on Repeat, and Staying on Task | 3-Bullet Blogs

legbracestv as a qtpie in hawaii

Hey squad! We just got back from our vacation to Hawaii (totally awesome wedding present!), which is why this blog is a little late. Sorry about that, and let’s all just pretend that I didn’t put on 10lbs from all the food and booze over the last week. k thx!

What I’m Watching

The Vaults of Terra

I absolutley love the Warhammer 40k universe, it’s just so dark and gritty with such amazing background stories. So even though it’s been quite a few years since I’ve played any of the tabletop games, I still watch/read/ingest anything lore related to the 40k universe. The Vaults of Terra is a channel that puts out WH40k lore videos (amongst other things) that give you a ton of interesting information and background (plus the dude has a pretty awesome accent XD ).

Here are a couple of my favorites to get you started, but pretty much all of the lore videos are awesome. Can’t wait for more in depth lore videos on the other races/species/armies!

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